1: Gasketting for EV battery pack, auto or domestic appliance industry
2: Fire retardant thermal insulation
3:Insulation of noise and heat
4: Enclosure for electrical equipment
5: Cushioning and damping when high temperature variation is
Characteristics: High Thixtropic; Low density Foam
Advantages: Foaming at room temp. ;Low compression set
Composites 1:1 system
Polyadditional silicones
It is a two-component silicone foam which cures at room temperature by an addition cure reaction. When the A and B liquid components are thoroughly mixed in 1:1 ratio, the product expands and cures to a foamed elastomer at room temperature.
Working time is from 2mins to 8 mins which depends on environmental degress. Tack free is around 15 to 30mins.
• Mixing time: time for mixing component A and component B
• Reaction time: time for the mixture to react( about15-60 seconds after mixing)
• Foam time: time from reaction to finish (about 15-180 seconds)
• Dry time: time for no viscosity on the suface, and no damage with touch under room temperature 25 ºC(about 2-20 minitues later)
• Available time:time for the availability of gasket to be pressed or assembled (about 20 minitues-12 hours later)
Shanghai Kaiwei Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd.